a simple theory, in summary

Max Tegmark, Garrett Lisi and others have proposed theories of everything that rest on the premise that physical reality is governed by natural laws which are naturally mathematical.

Historically there have been many discoveries of connections between patterns found in purely mathematical models and naturally occurring physical phenomena observed in the universe. More subtle connections between number theory and physics are being discovered. They’re directly related.

The law of conservation of energy states:  the total energy of an isolated system is conserved.

That is, that the total energy of a system must be constant over time;

The energy must always add up to the same amount no matter how it is distributed within the system;

1 + 1 = 2

1 + 2 = 3

and so on.

In fact a rigorous counting system is by definition, physics.

The mathematical equation 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 describes a mathematical law of quantitative relationships. It also describes a physical absolute, according to the law of conservation of energy. It describes, mathematically, the law of conservation of energy. Numbers and numerical relationships are not merely abstract concepts, they are developed from the same fundamental principles as physical laws. This is not insignificant, it suggests that the physical universe developed according to natural constraints which are purely mathematical.

In fact, this is a natural consequence of simple existence:

There is, without any possible doubt, a single entity of Existence which encompasses everything which exists.

Existence = 1


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